LIV Capsules Consumer Experiences Page 5
Case 41
Sex: MaleAge: N/A
Has just taken antiretroviral drugs, CD4 171 cells/
After LIV Capsules intake: 9 capsules/day for 1 month
- CD4 increased from 171 to 201 cells/ (18% increased).
- viral load 553 copies/ml
- very mild adverse effects from antiretroviral drugs (weakness and depress)
- waiting for the next CD4 count result
Case 42
Sex: MaleAge: N/A
Has taken LIV Capsules 1 month before antiretroviral drugs, CD4 362 cells/
After LIV Capsules intake: 4 capsules/day for 4 months
- CD4 increased from 362 to 783 cells/ (116% increased).
- VDRL titer for syphilis decreased from 1: 256 to 1: 8
- all adverse effects from antiretroviral drugs were gone
- better appetite, better sleep, better complexion
- more energy
Case 43
Sex: MaleAge: N/A
Has just taken antiretroviral drugs, CD4 13 cells/
Symptoms: dizzy, muscle weakness, rash, anemia
After LIV Capsules intake: 6 capsules/day for 4 months
- CD4 increased from 13 to 350 cells/
- viral load <40 copies/ml
- all symptoms above were gone
- more energy
- gained weight, better sleep, normal liver and kidney function
Case 44
Sex: MaleAge: N/A
Has just taken antiretroviral drugs, CD4 78 cells/
Symptoms: rashes and bumpy skin, hands and feet numbness, joint pain, muscle weakness, colic, abdominal pain, anorexia, dizzy, headache, easily frightened, hallucination, insomnia
After LIV Capsules intake: 9 capsules/day for 2 months
- CD4 increased from 78 to 205 cells/ (163% increased).
- viral load 64 copies/ml
- abovementioned symptoms have improved, only some scars from rash were left
- better appetite and better sleep
Case 45
Sex: MaleAge: 17
Has taken antiretroviral drug, CD4 142 cells/
Symptoms: pleurisy, difficult breathing, poor appetite and lost 3 Kg. blister and itch on body skin, usually have high fever, under stress, anxiety, dizzy, insomnia, Attention Deficient Hyperactive Disorder, drowsiness, hallucination, nausea, vomit, anorexia, abdominal pain, skin rash, joint pain, muscle weakness
After LIV Capsules intake: 9 capsules/day for 6 months
- CD4 increased from 142 to 337 cells/ (137% increased).
- chest X-ray found normal lung, normal breathing, no dyspnea, no adverse effects from antiretroviral drugs
- better appetite, gained 5 Kg.
- no blister and itch on body skin
- improvement in skin complexion
Case 46
Sex: FemaleAge: N/A
Has not taken antiretroviral drugs, CD4 470 cells/
Symptoms: headache, colic and itchy skin, easily tired, amblyopia
After LIV Capsules intake: 4 capsules/day for 2 months
- all symptoms above disappeared
- better sleep and better appetite
Case 47
Sex: MaleAge: 27
Has just taken antiretroviral drugs, CD4 32 cells/
Symptoms: PPE on all over the body surface (face, body, legs and arms), sore throat, difficulty eating, decreased appetite, having low fever every day, hands and feet numbness/ usually headache
After LIV Capsules intake: 9 capsules/day for 2 months
- PPE, rashes and numbness decreased
- no fever, headache and sore throat
- better sleep and better appetite
Case 48
Sex: MaleAge: N/A
Has taken antiretroviral drugs treatment for 2 years, CD4 380 cells/, %CD4 = 10%
Symptoms: liver enzyme (SGOT), WBC and Eosinophil greater than normal
After LIV Capsules intake: 9 capsules/day for 3 months
- CD4 375 cells/, %CD4 = 13.1%
- viral load decreased from 580 to <40 copies/ml
- liver enzyme (SGOT), WBC and Eosinophil were normal
Case 49
Sex: FemaleAge: N/A
Has just taken antiretroviral drugs, CD4 94 cells/
Symptoms: colic, stomach pain, anxiety, insomnia
fungal infection in mouse cavity and throat, sore throat, difficulty eating, appetite loss, rashes and bumpy skin, hands numbness
After LIV Capsules intake: 9 capsules/day for 1 month
- abovementioned symptoms have improved
- better sleep and better appetite
- gained 1 Kg.
Case 50
Sex: FemaleAge: N/A
Has been taking antiretroviral drugs for 1 year, CD4 289 cells/
After LIV Capsules intake: 4 capsules/day for 1 month
- CD4 increased from 289 to 458 cells/ (58% increased).
- More energy