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Boost CD4 With LIV Capsules, Control The Spread of HIV

Balancing Immunity (BIM) in Relation to HIV Treatment

APCO scientists and researchers under the supervision of Prof. Pichaet Wiriyachitra, PhD., F.R.A.C.I developed a food supplement formulated from GM-1 Polysaccharide Synergistic Complex of mangosteen extract powder and Centella asiatica juice powder, and enhanced with SG-protein synergistic complex of black sesame extract, guava fruit juice powder and isolated soy protein. This formula helps to balance the immune system and boost Th17 which is one form of white blood cells that can help HIV persons.

What does LIV capsules do?

  • Scientifically proven to increase CD4 count
  • Proven to increase Th1, Th9, and Th17 which enhance the activity of natural killer cells and Cytotoxic T cells, thus strengthening the immune system
  • Reduce side effects caused by antiretroviral drugs
  • 100% all natural plant-based ingredients

The type of CD4 cells that HIV destroys the most are Th17 cells which are an essential part of the immune system. Once a person is affected with HIV, the virus attacks and destroys the white blood cells known as CD4 which are responsible in boosting the immune system.

As the immune system of HIV-affected persons weaken, they become prone to other opportunistic infections caused by bacteria, fungi and other viruses. The HIV hides in the white blood cells making it difficult to detect and kill. Increasing Th17 cells can help control the spread of HIV. A study has shown that if the body has adequate Th17 cells, these Th17 cells will act like a vaccine for the body against HIV.

Previous research showed that GM-1 in the mangosteen extract used in the composition of LIV inhibits reverse transcriptase and protease enzymes which are essential in the virus replication process.

The makers of LIV reveal for the first time the test results of the first person who took LIV capsules for a year.